Briganthya collaboration:

Badira Ere! Euskal Herrian bestelako musicak bestelako taldeak

Badira Ere!


Released January 2008
Genre Celta
Number of discs 1
Edition date 2008
Edition details MDSK, Mendebala Diskak


 In 2008, Briganthuya participated in the edition of this work, produced by Mendebala Diskak, with their track “Trigallia”. The work was organized by the team from the International Folk Festival of Mendebala, Sopuerta, Bizkaia. Briganthya participated in this edition in company with other Basque artists such as Dronadar, Mielotxin, Xabi Aburruzaga or Keltiar Aldea.

Desarrollado por Tempografix

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